On the basis of thermodynamic extrapolations, the first transactinide
element 104 (Rf = rutherfordium(1)) is expected to form volatile tetra
chlorides of lower volatility than those of the homologous element Hf.
In contrast, relativistic calculations predict a higher volatility of
RfCl(4) compared to HfCl4. The nuclides (261)Rf and Hf-165, With iden
tical half-lives of 78 s, were simultaneously produced at the U-400 cy
clotron of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (FLNR), Dubna, R
ussia, by bombarding a mixed Cm-248/Gd-152 target with O-18 ions. With
the on-line gas chemistry apparatus (OLGA), the retention behavior of
volatile Rf- and Hf-chloride in a quartz chromatography column was in
vestigated. The results showed that Rf forms chlorides of higher volat
ility than those of Hf, in agreement with relativistic calculations. I
n addition, the behavior of element 104 was investigated in chlorinati
ng, oxygen containing carrier gas, in order to answer the question whe
ther a volatile compound of the form RfOCl(2) exists. The results of o
ur experiments give strong evidence for a transport reaction mechanism
where RfOCl(2) exists only in the condensed phase and not in the gas
phase. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.