The influence of the cathode material (tungsten, platinum, iridium, gl
assy carbon) and its pretreatment on the formation of silver in the Ag
NO3 + AgCl (25 mol %) melt is studied galvanostatically at 180-300 deg
rees C. Adding AgCl makes the cathode surface more active, probably be
cause of a better solubility of the oxide film on the substrate, which
is manifested in a decreased nucleation overvoltage. The most indiffe
rent cathode material in the melt is glassy carbon. The substrates can
be rendered more indifferent by increasing potential of anodic treatm
ent of the cathode and by temporarily overheating the melt, as in pure
AgNO3. The double-layer capacitances, nucleation constants, equilibri
um concentrations of adatoms on the iridium substrate, and the number
of atoms in the critical nucleus are determined.