The purpose of this work was to develop an efficient method for the pr
oduction of adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors in the absence of hel
per virus. The adenovirus regions that mediate AAV vector replication
were identified and assembled into a helper plasmid. These included th
e VA, E2A and E4 regions. When this helper plasmid was cotransfected i
nto 293 cells, along with plasmids encoding the AAV vector, and rep an
d cap genes, AAV vector was produced as efficiently as when using aden
ovirus infection as a source of help. CMV-driven constructs expressing
the E4orf6 and the 72-M-r, E2A proteins were able to functionally rep
lace the E4 and E2A regions, respectively. Therefore the minimum set o
f genes required to produce AAV helper activity equivalent to that pro
vided by adenovirus infection consists of, or is a subset of, the foll
owing genes: the E4orf6 gene, the 72-M-r, E2A protein gene, the VA RNA
genes and the E1 region. AAV vector preparations made with adenovirus
and by the helper virus-free method were essentially indistinguishabl
e with respect to particle density, particle to infectivity ratio, cap
simer ratio and efficiency of muscle transduction in vivo. Only AAV ve
ctor preparations made by the helper virus-free method were not reacti
ve with anti-adenovirus sera.