Using Doise spatial task, this study examined the following three hypo
theses about preschoolers' attainment of spatial skills: (1) A differe
nt viewpoint promotes faster advancement through developmental levels
of spatial skills than the same viewpoint. (2) An interaction partner
with a different skill level, rather than the same level, promotes fas
ter advancement. And (3) a socio-cognitive conflict with the partner p
romotes faster advancement. To test these hypotheses, the method of Do
ise and Mugny (1984) was used in Experiment 1. fn Experiment 2, the me
thod was modified in several ways, most notably by pointing out acid c
hanging the shape of the marker, and by decreasing the number of objec
ts to be arranged. Results of the experiments supported Hypothesis 3,
but not 1 or 2. It was concluded that socio-cognitive conflicts in pre
schooler peer interaction contributed to children's development of spa
tial skills.