Emotional perception was examined in stroke patients across 3 communic
ation channels: facial, prosodic, and lexical. Hemispheric specializat
ion for emotion was tested via right-hemisphere (RK) and valence hypot
heses, and relationships among channels were determined. Participants
were 11 right-brain-damaged (RBD), 10 left-brain-damaged (LBD), and 15
demographically matched normal control (NC) adults. Experimental meas
ures, with analogous psychometric properties, were identification and
discrimination tasks, including a range of positive and negative emoti
ons. Nonemotional control tasks were used for each channel. For identi
fication, RBDs were significantly impaired relative to LBDs and NCs ac
ross channels and valences, supporting the RH hypothesis. No group dif
ferences emerged for discrimination. Findings were not influenced by d
emographic, clinical, or control variables. Correlations among the cha
nnels were more prominent for normal than for brain-damaged groups.