Two separate data sets of 44 Tauri, obtained at Merate and Ege Univers
ity Observatories, were combined and analyzed in order to monitor its
pulsational behaviour. This analysis gave a clue that the star might h
ave experienced some variations in its pulsational behaviour within a
year. Further solutions using Poretti et al. (1992) frequencies as adj
ustables and the Ege University Observatory data resulted in seven fre
quencies in the range 6.8974 c d-1 and 11.5190 c d-1 which gave a sati
sfactory fit with the light curves. Furthermore, for six of the terms
out of seven, the differences found in the frequencies with respect to
Poretti et al. results exceed more than three times the relevant erro
rs given therein. Differences could also be obtained on the amplitudes
of three of the terms if the Poretti et al. frequencies were kept con
stant in a solution with the present data. An attempt for mode identif
ication led to three radial (fundamental, first and second overtones),
two p1 and two p2 non-radial modes with a different order l.