Tests were carried out in order to show the effects of recarbonation o
n the evolution of the biodegradability of natural organic matter duri
ng ozonation. To achieve this objective, four series of tests were con
ducted on the effluents of one of the sand-anthracite filters at the S
te-Rose plant (City of Laval, Canada). Table 1 presents the chemical c
haracteristics of these effluents. In performing these four series of
tests, each sample was divided into four portions. The first portion w
as not modified: this was the filter effluent water with an alkalinity
of 25 mg/l CaCO3. The alkalinity of the other three portions were adj
usted to 100, 175 and 250 mg/l CaCO3, respectively, by adding increasi
ng quantities of sodium bicarbonate. Then, each portion was ozonated a
t the same ozone dose using the apparatus shown in Fig. 1. After ozona
tion, the UV absorbance, the alkalinity and the ozone, oxalate and BDO
C concentrations were measured. Standard methods as described in APHA
et al. (1992) [APHA, AWWA and WEF (1992) Standard Methods for the Exam
ination of Water and Wastewater. Washington, D.C.] were used for alkal
inity and ozone measurements. BDOC measurements were based on a modifi
ed version of the Joret and Levi method [Joret, J. C. and Li vi, Y. (1
986) Methode rapide d'evaluation du carbone eliminable des eaux par vo
ie biologique. Trib. Cebedeau 39, 3-9; Joret, J. C., Levi, Y., Dupin,
T. and Gilbert, M. (1988) Rapid method for estimating bioeliminable or
ganic carbon in water. AWWA 1988 Annual Conference, pp. 1715-1725. Orl
ando, Florida.] and on the Servais Billen method [Servais, P., Anzil,
A., Ventresque, C., (1989) Simple method for determination of biodegra
ble dissolved organic carbon in water. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 55(10
), 2732-2734.]. These tests were performed four times at one-month int
ervals using filter effluent from the same filter each time. An ozone
dose of 0.2 mg O-3/mg DOC was used for the first series of tests. The
ozone doses for the other series were 0.5, 0.8 and 1.0 mg O-3/mg DOC r
espectively. Table 2 indicates the average ozonation conditions. These
tests gave the following principal results. in one series (fixed ozon
e dose and an alkalinity ranging between 25 and 250 mg/l CaCO3), the r
eduction in UV absorbance increased with alkalinity. For the first ser
ies of tests, this reduction measured 40% in water whose alkalinity wa
s 25 mg/l CaCO3 and increased to 50% in water whose alkalinity was 250
mg/l CaCO3. In addition, it was observed that the reduction increased
from series to series (Fig. 3). This is to be expected, since the ozo
ne dose also increased from series to series. Thus, for the last serie
s of tests, when the ozone dose was 1.0 mg O-3/mg DOG, the reduction i
n UV absorbance varied between 60 and 70%. Recarbonation also affects
the production of oxalate and of biodegradable dissolved organic carbo
n (BDOC) as shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Thus, in one series of tests, oxal
ate production and BDOC production increased as a function of alkalini
ty. When the results obtained for a sample whose alkalinity was unajus
ted (25 mg/l CaCO3) are compared with those obtained for a water whose
alkalinity was modified to 250 mg/l CaCO3, increases of 56 and 46% fo
r the oxalate and the BDOC, respectively (third series of tests) were
observed. It is expected that results for these two parameters would p
arallel one another since oxalate is easily biodegradable. Analysis of
all the results has shown (Fig. 7) that there is a linear relationshi
p between oxalate production and BDOC production. Specific UV absorban
ce (SUVA), which was defined by Edzwald and van Benschoten (1990) [Edz
wald, J. K. and van Benschoten, J. E. (1990) Chemical Water and wastew
ater Treatment. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.] as UV absorbance/DOC is corr
elated with BDOC/DOC on figure 6. A similar relationship was observed
by Gilbert (1987) and Gilbert (1988) [Gilbert, E. (1987) Biodegradabil
ity of ozonation products as a function of COD and DOC elimination by
example of substituted aromatic substances. Wat. Res. 21, 1273-1278; G
ilbert, E., (1988) Biodegradability of ozonation products as a functio
n of COD and DOC elimination by the example of humic acids. Wat. RES.
22, 123-126.] while they were working with water containing more aroma
tic compounds and humic acids. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All righ
ts reserved.