To provide better service for R&D users and get a higher return on inv
estments in information technology, sonic companies in the chemical, p
harmaceutical and engineering industries are moving from a hierarchica
l, functional IS organization structure to a ''mixed'' structure. In t
he new structure, certain ''generic'' IS functions, such as telecommun
ications and hardware maintenance, are migrating to the corporate leve
l or being outsourced to third parties. Other IS functions serving spe
cialized R&D needs are moving closer to individual business units, bei
ng handled Dy cross-functional teams, or being performed by strategic
partners. The new structures often require new roles, such as the ''ac
count representative'' who services the R&D IS ''customer'' and repres
ents ifs interests at the corporate level. Benefits include faster tim
e to market as well as higher return on both physical and intellectual