This article describes the modeling, fabrication and analysis of micro
strip patch antennas. Extracting material parameters for a new PCB sub
strate as well as determining the suitability of his material for of f
abrication of patch antennas are described. Microstrip test patterns n
l-e used in conjunction with the antennas to facilitate the parameter
extraction. Also, procedures for modeling and particularly for produci
ng well-matched antennas that resonate close to the design frequency a
re presented. These procedures include consideration of the physical c
haracteristics of microstrip antennas and their behaviour relative to
the given material parameters. The principal antenna modeling tool con
sists of microstrip line models implemented in the LIBRA(R) software p
ackage. Comparisons are made with and conclusions drawn from a Maxwell
equation solver that uses a finite-difference time domain (FDTD) anal
ysis. Antennas produced from other materials are also discussed. Anten
na fabrications include comparisons between chemically etched antennas
and milled antennas produced using a PCB prototyping machine. Efficie
ncy of 0.80 is achieved using the new material.