The present paper presents the results and conclusions of 7 trials mad
e in healthy (6 studies) and obese (1 study) dogs to experiment the ef
fects of dietary fibre on faeces characteristics, nutrients digestibil
ity, water consumption and plasma metabolites. Several incorporation r
ates of different fibre sources (cellulose, guar gum, inulin, fructool
igosaccharides (FOS), pectins, beet fibre, beet pulp and chicory pulp)
were studied. Furthermore, a blend of cellulose and guar gum was form
ulated to imitate the ratio of soluble-to-insoluble fibre of beet fibr
e to study the influence of the fibre solubility. Drinking water consu
mption was increased by beet fibre and inulin in the diet. With the ex
ception of cellulose for dry matter (DM) concentration, the different
fibres induced similar effects on faeces: increased daily excretion, d
ecreased DM concentration and increased excretion of DM. Nutrient dige
stibility coefficients were diversely affected by fibre consumption an
d, excepted for the ether extract, decreased in nutrients digestibilit
y were in relation with added total or insoluble fibre in the diet. Im
portant metabolic effects were observed but were not in relation with
the solubility of the fibre. Decreased pre- and/or postprandial plasma
tic concentrations of glucose (with FOS), insulin (with guar gum), ure
a, cholesterol (with guar gum) and triglycerides (with FOS) suggest th
at most of the studied fibres should be used as an aid for dogs suffer
ing from obesity, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipaemia, chronic renal insu
fficiency or constipation.