As part of a study of the etiology of carpal tunnel syndrome in indust
ry, we developed a measure of occupational hand use activities, ''Occu
pational Hand Use'' (OHU), using 471 workers from four industries. Thi
s categorization has five categories based primarily upon observed rel
ative force and secondarily upon observed relative repetitions. Becaus
e the validity of this OHU categorization has been questioned, we devi
sed a study to validate this variable by demonstrating its reliability
. Using discriminant analysis, we show that the OHU categorization acc
urately reflects the subjective impressions of other industrial worker
s (605 workers from four other industries in the United States and Jap
an). Within each validation industry, 68 to 88% of all workers were cl
assified precisely to the correct OHU category, and an additional 10 t
o 25% were classified to within one OHU category, for a hit or near-mi
ss rate of 87 to 98%. The major classification error was due to some w
orkers overestimating the repetitiousness of their jobs. An equation f
or calculating OHU from subjective or objective data is provided.