A total of 20 surveys at 15 sites of remedial in-situ timber and mason
ry treatment took place in the latter half of 1996. Two of these surve
ys concerned wall washes (biocides), the remainder were non-agricultur
al pesticides. The purpose was to measure the surface deposition and i
nhalation exposure of the operatives to the pesticide spray fluids use
d. The diluted spray fluids were found to have significantly different
concentrations from those intended by the sprayer. The pesticides wer
e applied at pressures between 320 and 1050 kPa. Deposition rates for
spray fluid on coveralls covered a wide range, with more than 30 fold
difference between the median and the highest results (median 209 mg/m
inute; range 27.4 to 6550 mg/min). Contamination of coveralls occurred
in all surveys, with the pesticide getting beneath the coveralls in 9
5% of surveys, with a median 5% contamination beneath the overall, The
averaged and normalised deposition pattern was 75% legs, 11% arms, 12
% torso and 2% head. Exposure of hands to pesticide (expressed as spra
y fluid) beneath protective gloves occurred in 89% of surveys (median
5.78 mg/minute; range 0.23 to 358 mg/min) and contamination of socks b
y spray fluid in 78% of surveys (median 2.08 mg/minute; range 0.12 to
260 mg/min). Exposure by inhalation to spray fluid,vas measurable in 7
2% of surveys (median 53.5 mg/m(3) TWA; range 4.33 to 1320 mg/m(3); 2
data excluded). Inhalation exposure and deposition on coveralls rose m
arkedly at spray pressures above 700 kPa (100 psi), Crown Copyright (C
) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.