Plant leaf area is critical for predicting the amount of radiation int
ercepted by a crop, and thereby, for estimating dry matter production.
Under soil water deficit conditions, plant leaf expansion is reduced
as a result of both a reduction in the rate of leaf production (RLP) a
nd in the rate of individual leaf expansion. Quantifying the effect of
soil water deficits on plant leaf expansion depends in part on predic
ting its effects on the timing of leaf production. The effect of soil
water deficits on RLP was examined for three pea cultivars in greenhou
se and field experiments. The level of soil water deficit was characte
rized as the fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW). A quantitativ
e function between RLP and FTSW was established in greenhouse experime
nts and was tested in independent pot and field experiments. A good co
nsistency in this relationship across a diversity of experimental cond
itions and cultivars was shown. The logistic function obtained represe
nts an effective way to simulate the effects of soil water deficits on
RLP, especially as FTSW could be estimated from a soil water balance.
RLP was reduced only for FTSW < 0.2, and consequently, RLP was less s
ensitive to soil water deficits than transpiration and leaf expansion.
Soil water deficit induced a slight rise in canopy temperature due to
stomatal closure. However, this rise in temperature for FTSW < 0.4 ca
nnot account for maintaining RLP compared to the drop of transpiration
and of leaf expansion rates observed for FTSW between 0.4 and 0.2, RL
P can be considered independent of soil water content if FTSW > 0.2. I
n the field, such level of soil water deficit inducing a decrease of R
LP occurs generally only after the end of leaf production during the l
ast reproductive stages of pea crop. Thus, except in situations of ext
reme soil water deficit and on shallow soils, leaf production depends
solely on air temperature. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights r