Background. Peanut (PN) and tree nut (TN) allergies are potentially li
fe-threatening, rarely outgrown, and appear to be increasing in preval
ence. However, there is relatively little reported about the clinical
features of acute reactions to these foods and their potential associa
tion. Objective. To describe the clinical features of acute reactions
during initial and subsequent accidental ingestions of PN and TN among
children with a history of at least one acute allergic reaction to th
ese foods. Design. Questionnaire survey, examination, and serologic te
sting for specific IgE antibody of patients with convincing histories
of acute reactions (at least one organ system involved within 60 minut
es of ingestion) to PN or Results. A total of 122 patients (63% males;
median age, 8 years at time of study) had acute reactions; 68 had rea
ctions only to FN, 20 only to TN, and 34 to both PN and TN. Of those r
eacting to TN, 34 had reactions to one, 12 to two, and 8 to three or m
ore different TN, the most common being walnut, almond, and pecan. Ini
tial reactions usually occurred at home (median age, 24 months for PN
and 62 months for TN) and were considered to result from a first expos
ure in 72% of cases. Eighty-nine percent of the reactions involved the
skin (urticaria, angioedema), 52% the respiratory tract (wheezing, th
roat tightness, repetitive coughing, dyspnea), and 32% the gastrointes
tinal tract (vomiting, diarrhea). Two organ systems were affected in 3
1% of initial reactions, and all three in 21% of reactions. Thirty-eig
ht of 190 first reactions to PN or TN were treated with epinephrine. A
ccidental ingestions occurred in 55% of PN-allergic children (average
of two accidents per patient with an accidental ingestion) and in 30%
of TN-allergic children over a median period of 5.5 years. On average
symptoms after accidental exposure were generally similar to those at
initial exposure. Accidents occurred commonly in school but also at ho
me and in restaurants. Modes of accidental ingestion included sharing
food, hidden ingredients, cross-contamination, and school craft projec
ts using peanut butter. Eighty-three percent of the children were brea
stfed, with >90% of the mothers ingesting PN and at least one TN durin
g lactation. Among patients reporting no history of exposure (>60% of
patients for each TN), IgE antibodies were found to a particular TN in
50% to 82% of patients and to PN in 100% of patients. Conclusions. Ac
ute allergic reactions to PN occur early in life. PN and TN allergic r
eactions coexist in one third of PN-allergic patients, frequently occu
r on first known exposure, and may be life-threatening, requiring emer
gency treatment. Accidental ingestions are common, occur frequently ou
tside of the home, and often require emergency treatment. Consequently
, early diagnosis followed by education on avoidance and treatment mea
sures (including self-administered epinephrine) is imperative.