The combination vaccines are very useful to reduce the number of conta
cts required to immunize a child fully and to improve the vaccine cove
rage. Recently the new combinations between Haemophilus Influenzae vac
cine (PRP-T) and pertussis vaccines in D-T-P (IVP) combined vaccines h
ave suggested interferences with immunogenicity for PRP-T vaccines. Th
e interference for pertussis antibodies is not significative. The depr
ession of antiPRP antibodies is shown with the whole-cell pertussis va
ccine, but the level of antibodies is related to a good protective eff
icacy. Inversely, when PRP-T vaccine is combined with acellular pertus
sis vaccines, the antibodies levels are lower, especially the number o
f children with a level higher than 1 mcg/ml. At the present time, the
se combinations between PRP-T vaccines and acellular pertussis vaccine
s are not recommended for primary immunization in infants in France. S
uch constatations emphasize the necessity to perform wide comparative
trials to test immunogenicity for all the ne.ut combinations between o
ld and new vaccines. A decrease in immunogenicity of combination vacci
nes is acceptable as long as protective efficacy is preserved. It is p
ossible that the growing number of new, vaccines to combine will be li
mited to keep a clinical efficacy.