Symptomatic autonomic neuropathy and abnormal cardiovascular autonomic
tests are associated with increased mortality due to vascular disease
and increased risk of sudden deaths. Intensive therapy in the DCCT ca
used a significant risk reduction of developing autonomic nerve abnorm
alities at five years only in the Primary Prevention Group (4 vs. 9%).
At the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children, the prevalence of cardi
ovascular reflex abnormalities is 28%. Over 5 years, we have found no
increase in the rate of single cardiovascular abnormalities and a low
rate of persistence. Two or more abnormalities developed in 5%. Repeat
ed measures of pupillary function showed a significant increase in abn
ormalities and a higher level of persistently abnormal tests. Spectral
analysis and 24-hour BP monitoring may detect autonomic dysfunction a
t earlier stages but longitudinal studies are not yet available.