The well-known formal analogy between time and absolute temperature, e
xisting on the quantum level, is considered as a profound duality rela
tionship requiring some modifications in the conventional quantum dyna
mics. They consist of tiny deviations from uniform time run in the phy
sical spacetime, as well as of tiny deviations from unitary time evolu
tion characteristic for the conventional quantum theory. The first dev
iations are conjectured to be produced by local changes of total avera
ge particle number. Then, they imply the second deviations exerting in
turn influence upon this particle number. Two examples of the second
deviations are described: hypothetic tiny violation of optical theorem
for particle scattering, and hypothetic slow variation of the average
number of probe particles contained in a sample situated in proximity
of a big accelerator (producing abundantly particles on a target).