Severe malnutrition is defined by a weight for height below 70% of int
ernational standards or by presence of oedema in a clinically undernou
rished child. Severe malnutrition associated with oedema is called kwa
shiorkor. The origin of oedemas of kwashiorkor is still debated but it
s relation with protein deficiency is strongly questioned. The same di
etary management is now recommended for malnutrition with or without o
edema. Present recommendations are based, as for well nourished childr
en, on the separate estimation of nutritional requirements for mainten
ance and growth. Total requirements van, between 0.7 g/kg/day in the f
irst few days of treatment to 5 g/kg/day or more when weight gain is m
aximum. As a result of high energy requirement during catch-rep growth
, protein requirements never exceed 10 to 12% of total energy needs. (
C) 1998, Elsevier, Paris.