Hemisphere asymmetry in the control of parasympathetic outflow to the
sino-atrial node of the heart was studied in healthy human subjects us
ing lateralized film presentation for selective sensory stimulation of
the hemispheres and power spectral analysis of heart rate variability
as a measure of vagal tone. There was a clear a,nd consistent left he
misphere predominance in the control of parasympathetic modulation of
cardiac activity which cannot be attributed to differences in emotiona
l processing. Supplementing previous findings of our research group, t
he present study indicates that control of autonomic cardiac activity
at the level of the cerebral cortex seems to be characterized by a div
ision of responsibility between both hemispheres, sympathetic activity
being mainly controlled by the right hemisphere and parasympathetic a
ctivity being under the left hemisphere's main control. (C) 1998 Elsev
ier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.