A calibration for the particle background (PB) of the ROSAT High Resol
ution Imager (HRI) is presented. It is found that the PB rate is tempo
rally a relatively stable function of the subsatellite geographic posi
tion and that the average master veto (MV) signal of the Position Sens
itive Proportional Counter is a good template of that function. By det
ermining the general correlation between the average MV signal and PB
rate as a function of time and scaling the general correlation by an i
ndividual observation's light curve, an accurate PB model for that obs
ervation can be produced. Detector maps for the distribution of PB eve
nts and the distribution of exposure (including vignetting, detector a
rtifacts, and quantum efficiency variations) are also presented. The m
aps were created from Earth-block data collected throughout the missio