Landforms showing a remarkable adaptation to the strike and dip of the
foliation or exfoliation planes of metamorphic rocks were identified
from structure measurements in the Bohemian massif at the eastern marg
in of the Moldanubian complex and the adjoining micaschist series. The
re are small exfoliation domes resembling ice-scoured roches moutonees
in the granulite gneiss near Nova Ves as well as homoclinal crests in
the biotite paragneiss at the contact of the Moravian complex with th
e micaschist series west of Oslavany, where even the drainage pattern
is partly adjusted to these structures. To my knowledge such structura
lly determined micro- and mesoforms in metamorphic rocks of identical
orientation have not been described yet. The fact that these landforms
have been identified at the eastern margin of the Bohemian massif cal
ls for devoting much more attention to the mutual relationships betwee
n Iandform elements and elements of passive morphostructure in the sen
se of GERASTMOV (1946).