A day hospital treatment programme is described for eating disordered
patients who would otherwise require inpatient treatment. The characte
ristics at presentation of 106 consecutive patients are described. Of
patients completing the programme, 65 could be recruited for the outco
me study. At presentation, 26 per cent fulfilled DSM-IV criteria Sor a
norexia nervosa, 65 per cent for bulimia nervosa and 9 per cent had an
eating disorder not otherwise specified. The average length of treatm
ent of all patients was 13 weeks. There was significant weight gain am
ong the anorectic patients and a significant decrease in the average n
umber of binges among the bulimic patients. Statistically significant
improvements over time for psychological, sexual and socioeconomic adj
ustment were also obtained. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating
Disorders Association.