Ef. Zigler et Ed. Gilman, DAY-CARE AND EARLY-CHILDHOOD SETTINGS - FOSTERING MENTAL-HEALTH IN YOUNG-CHILDREN, Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America, 7(3), 1998, pp. 483
The authors, with research supporting the relationship between experie
nce and the developing brain, envision a new and innovative model of c
hild care in which principles of child development and mental health F
lay an integral role. The School of the Twenty-first Century, although
housed in existing school buildings, will be far more than a traditio
nal 8:00 AM-to-3:00 PM educational facility. It will become a hub of c
hild and family life in the community and provide institutional and ou
treach services for children from birth to 12 years of age. Active dev
elopmental and mental health programs that provide education for paren
ts, primary caretakers, and other providers are central to the model.
These programs will include preventive, evaluative, and treatment sen
ices for children. The child psychiatrist is viewed as an important me
mber of the mental health team, who helps identify, assess, and treat
children with developmental and psychiatric difficulties.