The C-13/14-Urea breath test (UBT) is based on the simple principle th
at a solution of isotopically labelled urea will be rapidly hydrolysed
by the abundantly expressed urease of H pylori. The released (CO2)-C-
13/14 is absorbed across the mucus layer to the gastric mucosa and hen
ce, via the systemic circulation, excreted in the expired breath. Dist
ribution of urea throughout the stomach prevents sampling error and al
lows semiquantitative assessments of the extent of H pylori infection.
Originally the C-13-UBT was complex, cumbersome and costly but, by si
mplifying the protocol and reducing the number of samples to be analys
ed, is now a much easier, quicker and cheaper test for detecting H pyl
ori. Although mass spectrometry is needed for analysis of exhaled (CO2
)-C-13, the use of the stable isotope, which is completely safe, provi
des advantages over the C-14-UBT using radioactive C-14-urea, such tha
t it can be used in women and children and a user's licence is not req
uired. The widespread availability of scintigraphy for (CO2)-C-14 anal
ysis may make the C-14-UBT seem an attractive alternative to the C-13-
UBT. However, there are no standard protocols for the C-14-UBT and alt
hough the methods are similar, several different cut off values are us
ed which makes formal validation studies still necessary. Both tests a
re easy to perform with minimum opportunity for observer variation or
methodological error; they are very sensitive and specific tests and p
rovide a clinical ''gold standard'' against which the accuracy of othe
r tests can be validated. The C-13/14-UBT detects only current infecti
on and can be used to screen for H pylori infection and as the sole me
thod for assessing eradication. In addition, because the C-13-UBT can
be performed repeatedly in the same subject, it can be used to monitor
the effects of novel anti-H pylori therapies and for epidemiological
studies in children.