This work reports a study of in-line bubble interactions in non-Newton
ian fluids by varying the injection period between bubbles. The experi
mental data reveal that the bubble rise velocity depends upon the inje
ction period, obviously due to in-line interactions. The original rheo
logical simulation, based on the close relationship between the rise o
f a chain of bubbles and consecutive shear deformations, proves for th
e first time that in-line interactions are mainly governed by a dynami
cal competition between the creation and relaxation of stresses in flu
ids. This interaction mechanism is clearly corroborated by a newly dev
eloped visualisation method based on birefringence. With the decrease
of the injection period, such interactions become strong enough and co
alescence occurs. The spectral analysis of the bubble passage at diffe
rent heights in the column demonstrates that the interactions are no l
onger linear accompanied by successive bifurcations leading to chaotic
coalescence. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.