The energy of sunlight absorbed by an antenna chlorophyll inside a thy
lakoid disc in chloroplast is known to migrate to the reaction center
in the form of an exciton. At normal temperature both the mechanisms o
f resonance transfer and exciton hopping contribute comparably. The fi
nite-temperature theory of excitons in a molecular aggregate is transl
ated in the language of solid state physics as the treatment of the ex
citon in a thermal bath of phonons. For the sake of simplicity, the ex
citon-phonon interaction can be viewed as linear in lattice displaceme
nts with higher-order terms neglected. In the interaction picture, the
effects of the thermal bath on the dynamics of the exciton can be inc
orporated into a time-dependent effective potential that involves term
s arising from the fluctuation of the medium coordinates from their eq
uilibrium values. The probability of site-to-site exciton transfer is
written as a correlation function whose evolution in time can be deter
mined by the cumulant expansion technique. The exciton clothed by phon
ons can be defined in a natural way. This procedure leads to coarse-gr
aining, and the correlation function for the coarse-grained exciton is
defined in terms of the dressed states and the dressed operators. The
zeroth-order term in the cumulant expansion corresponds to the resona
nce transfer of the dressed exciton while the second- and the higher-o
rder terms lead to an expression for the probability of hopping. The t
ransfer probabilities for a clothed exciton is derived under the Debye
approximation for a cubic lattice. These expressions can be used to d
etermine the nearest-neighbour transfer probabilities in a reasonably
realistic model of the thylakoid disc which in turn can be used for a
numerical simulation of excitons dynamics. The model aggregate can be
spatially and orientationally disordered. So the transfer probabilitie
s at different sites in different directions are all different which i
s in sharp contrast with the so-called random walk model. In an earlie
r computer experiment we have shown that if all the excitons are consi
dered to be created simultaneously, physical processes occurring at wi
dely varying time scales (like exciton creation, exciton transfer, exc
iton decay by fluorescence, exciton trapping, phonon dynamics and elec
tron transfers) are found to be time-wise self-consistent with one ano
ther. In this work we view exciton generation as a continuous process
and derive a few analytical results. An algorithm for a very realistic
numerical simulation of exciton generation and its utilization in chl
oroplast is also presented.