Study objectives: Obliterative pulmonary vascular disease manifested c
linically as pulmonary hypertension (PHT) may complicate systemic scle
rosis (SSc). The aim of this study was to investigate possible endothe
lial dysfunction in patients with SSC complicated by PHT. Design: Pros
pective, randomized trial. Setting: Postgraduate teaching hospital. Pa
tients: Patients having SSc with PHT (SSc-PHT) and SSc without PHT (SS
c), confirmed using Doppler echocardiography, and normal individuals (
control subjects). Interventions: IV infusion of the endothelially dep
endent vasodilator, substance P (maximum dose, 100 pmol/min), and the
nonendothelially dependent vasodilator, adenosine (maximum dose, 0.05
mg/kg/min). Measurements and results: Effective pulmonary capillary bl
ood flow (cardiac output minus right-to-left shunt) was measured in in
ert gas rebreathing, and calculated stroke index (SI) was used to refl
ect changes in pulmonary vascular resistance. During adenosine infusio
n, patients with SSc-PHT (n = 5; mean age, 53 +/- 18 years) displayed
a 25 +/- 16% increase in SI (p < 0.05 compared with baseline), but no
significant changes in SI were detected in the SSc (n = 7; 54 +/- 6 ye
ars) or control (n = 5; 35 +/- 5 years) groups. During infusion of sub
stance P, SI rose by 32 +/- 18% in the control group at the maximum do
se (p < 0.05), hut no change was observed in the SSc group. However, a
fall in SI of -6 +/- 7% was detected in patients with SSc-PHT (p < 0.
05). Conclusions: Substance P-mediated pulmonary vasodilation is absen
t in patients with systemic sclerosis, suggesting that endothelial dys
function occurs early in the course of the illness, but some responsiv
eness to adenosine remains.