Spin-valves comprised of Co or NiFe magnetic layers and NiO as the ant
iferromagnetic pinning layer have been prepared by magnetron sputterin
g. Their structural, magnetic and magnetotransport properties have bee
n characterized. A dramatic enhancement of the coercivity of the magne
tic layer adjacent to NiO is observed due to the onset of a very large
uniaxial anisotropy. In addition, depending on the conditions of depo
sition, the hysteresis loop of the pinned layer can be either centered
around zero field or shifted as is usually observed for exchange anis
otropy. In the latter case, the field characterizing the shift of the
loop decreases much faster with increasing temperature than does the c
oercive field, These samples have good thermal stability up to 250 deg
rees C, Their response at low fields can be made reversible by applyin
g a static biasing field transverse to the field to be measured. A det
ailed study of minor MR hysteresis loops has been carried out.