Numerous recent studies found that proteases play a major role in brai
n function. In addition to their role in protein turnover, they have m
odulatory functions and an important role in apoptosis, pathological c
hanges, and other mechanisms. To explore possible differences in brain
protein metabolism of suicide victims, we examined the activity of tw
o proteases, cathepsin D and calpain (I and II combined), in eleven di
screte areas of postmortem brain tissue of 21 victims of suicide and o
f 31 age- and sex-matched control subjects without a history of psychi
atric or neurological disease. The levels of functionally Important am
ino acids in five of these areas were also measured. Cathepsin D activ
ity was found to be lower in two of eleven regions of brains of suicid
e victims, the parahippocampal cortex and the medial hypothalamus, by
26% and 27%, respectively. Calpain activity was lower in two different
areas tested, 29% in the medulla oblongata and 26% in the lateral pre
frontal cortex, and was 18% higher in the midbrain. There were no sign
ificant differences in the other areas (globus pallidus, hippocampus,
amygdala, caudate nucleus, ventral tegmental area, and nucleus accumbe
ns). Protease distribution was regionally heterogeneous-the levels in
the globus pallidus were low, and in the hippocampus high, with about
a two-fold difference. The length of the postmortem period for obtaini
ng tissue, the storage time of the frozen tissue, and the age of the s
ubject had no apparent influence on the results obtained. Although the
re was a tendency toward higher levels of aspartate and glycine in bra
in areas from suicide victims, the difference was not significant. The
variations among individual brains were greater in amino acid levels
than in protease levels. The findings indicate the possible role of pr
otein metabolism in depressive or suicidal behavior.