Few studies have documented the response of gravitropically curved org
ans to a withdrawal of a constant gravitational stimulus. The effects
of stimulus withdrawal on gravitropic curvature were studied by follow
ing individual roots of cress (Lepidium sativum L.) through reorientat
ion and clinostat rotation. Roots turned to the horizontal curved down
62 degrees and 88 degrees after 1 and 5 h, respectively. Subsequent r
otation on a clinostat for 6 h resulted in root straightening through
a loss of gravitropic curvature in older regions and through new growt
h becoming aligned closer to the prestimulus vertical. However, these
roots did not return completely to the prestimulus vertical, indicatin
g the retention of some gravitropic response. Clinostat rotation shift
ed the mean root angle -36 degrees closer to the prestimulus vertical,
regardless of the duration of prior horizontal stimulation. Control r
oots (no horizontal stimulation) were slanted at various angles after
clinostat rotation. These findings indicate that gravitropic curvature
is not necessarily permanent, and that the root retains some commitme
nt to its equilibrium orientation prior to gravitropic stimulation.