This article considers ways of improving students' understanding of Ge
ographical Information Systems (GIS) which they often perceive to be f
ragmented entities. An attempt was made to counter this view by presen
ting students with an assessed end-of-course project, designed to acco
mmodate all the requirements of the 'deep learning approach'. The proj
ect was implemented using a groupwork format. Project evaluation throu
gh a student questionnaire produced feed-back has revealed that the pr
oject design, implementation, learning format and environment were eff
ective. It also has revealed that the central objective of establishin
g a holistic overview of a GIS as one entity was fulfilled. Furthermor
e, the project was found to enhance and add to student knowledge and u
nderstanding of GIS, provide a mechanism to reflect on the whole proce
ss (starting from sampling the real world and ending by applying the f
indings to the real world) and to build confidence regarding GIS usage