To elucidate the pathophysiology of diabetic neuropathy many workers h
ave examined nerve specimens from diabetic rats. While most workers fo
und that animals with high blood glucose levels develop neuropathy, so
me researchers report that the peripheral nerves are normal in hypergl
ycaemic rats. Hypoglycaemia may also cause neuropathy. Some workers su
ggest that neuropathy is linked to fluctuations of the blood glucose l
evel. In the present study we examine plantar nerves of diabetic BB/Wo
r rats maintained on an eu-/hyperglycaemic or an eu-/hypoglycaemic reg
ime with insulin implants. Treatment with implants worked well. Light
microscopic examination of nerve fibres in non-diabetic control rats a
nd in eu-/hyperglycaemic diabetic rats showed a normal picture. Prepar
ations from eu-/hypoglycemic rats showed irregular myelin sheaths and
signs of Wallerian degeneration. The lengths and diameters of the larg
est internodes were significantly subnormal. We conclude, that periodi
c moderate hypoglycaemia, but not periodic moderate hyperglycaemia, el
icits neuropathy in diabetic BB/Wor rats treated with insulin implants