In this paper the mixed polygenic and single locus model of inheritanc
e is investigated, whereby the genetic expression of the quantitative
trait is described by one bi-allelic locus and an infinite number of l
oci (excluding the single one). Strictly additive gene action of the p
olygenes is assumed but dominance is allowed at the major locus (QTL).
For such a model explicit formulas for the skewness and the kurtosis
are derived as functions of the frequency of the favourable allele, th
e heritability and the variances due to the major locus and to the pol
ygenic effects. Using genetic parameters estimated with data from an e
xperiment of laying hens, the distribution of the total genetic varian
ce is investigated hypothetically, such that the observed degree of as
ymmetry is obtained. QTL's explaining 40% of the total genetic varianc
e and a frequency about 0.8 of the favourable allele have to be assume
d to explain the observed asymmetrical distributions of the traits gen