The Self-Inflicted Injury Severity Form (SIISF) was developed as an ep
idemiological research tool for identifying individuals in hospital em
ergency departments who have Life-threatening self-inflicted injuries.
Data were collected from 715 patients with self-inflicted injuries in
two large hospitals. In 295 of these cases, a second set of data was
independently collected for assessment of interrater reliability. Vali
dity was assessed by comparing the SIISF results with simultaneously c
ollected Risk-Rescue Ratings. Assessment of interrater reliability fou
nd that only 2.4% of physicians disagreed on the suicide method used.
The kappa statistic for method used was .94, indicating excellent agre
ement. The SIISF was found to distinguish between severe and less seve
re injuries. Thus, it appears to provide a simple method to distinguis
h patients who have life-threatening self-inflicted injuries.