Sixty-six years ago in Powell v. Alabama, the Supreme Court declared t
hat the pretrial stage from arraignment until trial was ''the most cri
tical period'' for investigating criminal charges, preparing a defense
, and consulting with an attorney. Yet, throughout the country, a majo
rity of states and localities do not provide counsel for indigent defe
ndants when they first appear for a judicial bail determination and fo
r a lengthy period thereafter during the crucial pretrial stage. In th
is article, Professor Colbert argues that the constitutional right to
counsel should apply to bail proceedings to protect an individual's li
berty and right to defend against a criminal accusation, Professor Col
bert begins by describing the results of a national survey he conducte
d which indicates that, in most jurisdictions, an accused should not e
xpect legal representation when first brought to court before a judici
al officer, who decides whether to order pretrial release or bail. He
goes on to explain the crucial importance of representation by counsel
at the bail determination and provides a Sixth and Fourteenth Amendme
nt analysis for guaranteeing the right to counsel. Moreover, Professor
Colbert discusses why jurisdictions are mistakenly applying the const
itutional doctrine and denying counsel to indigents at the bail stage,
and for many days, weeks, or months thereafter, The author then offer
s an economic justification for providing counsel by describing the su
bstantial cost savings that would result from representation for bail
purposes. Professor Colbert contends that lawyers' early intervention
would significantly reduce court congestion and overcrowded jails, thu
s lowering the public expense for maintaining an unnecessarily large p
retrial jail population. He concludes by asserting that the profession
al responsibilities of lawyers, judges, and the legal profession as a
whole require that they advocate for representation by counsel at this
initial stage of a criminal proceeding.