The article discusses trends and episodes in the history of Nationalok
onomisk Tidsskrift. Nationalokonomisk Tidsskrift is quite old in compa
rison with other international economics journals. For more than two h
undred years, a number of periodicals have published articles on econo
mics. But until late in the last century, these journals weve mainly a
gricultural and general scientific periodicals The boom in founding sp
ecialized economics journals came in the last decades of the 19th cent
ury, and Nationalokonomisk Tidsskrift is one of the first of these jou
rnals. It is demonstrated in the article that articles in Nationalokon
omisk Tidsskrift were in many cases in advance of better known interna
tional contributions. Another interesting element of the content of Na
tionalokonomisk Tidsskrift is a number of large-scale debates about th
e basic questions in economics, and a number of these debates ave anal