The nature-based tourism industry in Canada is substantially based upo
n an extensive system of national and provincial parks. Over the last
two decades public demand has resulted in increases in the number of p
arks and in tourism use. However, fiscal restraint has caused budget r
eduction with the associated loss of management effectiveness. What fi
scal and management responses have there been to this problem? This pa
per summarizes the data from a national survey of all provincial, terr
itorial and national park agencies' budget, fiscal and pricing policie
s. Two major observations are evident. One is the continuing loss of m
anagement capability due to the reliance on insufficient government fu
nding for capital and operational needs. The other is a shift from gov
ernment budget funding to a higher utilization of tourism-based fees a
nd charges. Overall the trend is away from tax-based government alloca
tions, towards income derived from fees fbr the services and facilitie
s provided to the park visitors. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd, All ri
ghts reserved.