The surface reactions of ethyl iodide on GaAs(100) have been studied u
sing Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), Low Energy Electron Diffractio
n (LEED) and Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy in conjunction with isoto
pe scrambling experiments with deuterium. Ethyl iodide was found to ad
sorb dissociatively at room temperature, to form chemisorbed ethyl and
iodine species. Recombinative desorption of molecular ethyl iodide co
mpetes with the further surface reactions of ethyl and iodine. The eth
yl species undergoes beta-hydride elimination reaction to form ethene,
ethane and hydrogen, which all desorb into the gas phase. Iodine sele
ctively etches surface gallium atoms as Gal, which subsequently desorb
s at 520 K, and this species was the major halide etch product formed
for all exposures of ethyl iodide. HI desorption forms a minor channel
for the removal of surface iodine. As-2 desorption occurs from arseni
c-enriched surfaces for temperatures greater than 600 K, and it is pos
tulated that at high surface concentrations of chemisorbed arsenic dim
ers, As-4 desorption must also become feasible. LEED and AES studies s
how that repetitive exposure of the gallium-rich GaAs(100)-(4 x 1) sur
face with ethyl iodide followed by annealing to 700 K gives rise to th
e arsenic-rich c(4 x 4) structure, and this observation is consistent
with the thermal desorption data. A reaction scheme is proposed to acc
ount for the observed desorption products, and the etching behaviour o
f ethyl iodide is discussed in the light of the reaction mechanism elu
cidated. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserv