This paper shows the results from a study by Hancher and de la Garza a
nd sponsored by the Construction Industry Institute (CII), which surve
yed workers' compensation practices in the construction industry. The
writers focus the analysis on four indicators of contractors' safety p
erformance, i.e., the Experience Modification Rate (EMR), the Recordab
le Incident Rate (RIR), the Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR), and the Wo
rkers' Compensation Claims Frequency Indicator (WCCFI). Written and/or
phone surveys were conducted of 43 contractors [including both Constr
uction Industry Institute (CTI) and non-CII members], nine owners, fou
rteen insurance professionals, and over 1,600 construction workers, re
presenting 36 states and 21 trades. The data presented in this paper r
eveal: (1) different OSHA incident rates for contractors who keep trac
k of accidents versus those contractors who do not; (2) different EMR
and RIR for small versus large contractors; and (3) a different WCCFI
for union versus open shop contractors. The conclusion reads ''what ge
ts measured, gets improved.''