Racism is traditionally studied from an individualistic perspective em
phasising personality characteristics, motivations and basic cognitive
processes. Some researchers have shifted their attention to the study
of racist discourse. The present study tries to extend this work on d
iscourse in two ways. First, by focusing on the everyday meaning of ra
cism itself, rather than by defining racism and using this definition
as the central analytical category It is investigated how ethnic Dutch
speakers when they talk and argue among themselves, reconcile racist
talk with their identity as a reasonable and moral person. Second, con
versational interactions were studied in order to examine the effectiv
eness of constructions. Few studies investigate the question of conseq
uences of varying constructions. It is argued that in order to show th
at constructions play an important role in shaping subjects' understan
dings and actions it is necessary to go beyond textual deconstructions
and to investigate conversations.