The modified Taxman transport coefficient formulae have been obtained
correctly up to the first approximation for a pure hard-ellipsoidal lo
w-density fluid in terms of four-dimensional quadratures over the coor
dinates of two interacting ellipsoidal molecules. In the appropriate l
imits, these expressions reduce to the corresponding transport coeffic
ient formulae for a spheroidal or a hard sphere (HS) system. The HS fo
rmula for the thermal conductivity agrees with the modified Eucken for
mula to the first approximation implying that the basic ingredients of
the latter formula are embedded in our formulation. The various quadr
atures have been computed for the ellipsoidal as well as spheroidal sy
stems. The numerical results for the transport coefficient are present
ed in the form of universal curves for each kind of model fluid as fun
ctions of axial ratios of the molecules. It has been found that our th
ermal conductivity work is superior to that of Mason and Monchick. (C)
1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.