Background. We recently reported an association between increased bone
strontium (Sr) levels and osteomalacia in dialysis patients. Methods.
To delineate whether or not Sr acts as a causal factor in the develop
ment of osteomalacia, we devised the following study: four groups of c
hronic renal failure (CRF) rats were given Sr, aluminum (Al), both of
these compounds or none of the elements (controls). Results. Administr
ation of Sr and/or Al resulted in increased bone levels of the respect
ive elements. Histological examination revealed impairment of minerali
zation in the Sr group and to a lesser extent in the Al group as compa
red to the control group. There was also a significant increase in ost
eoid area in the Sr group, but not in the Al group. No differences in
bone surface or erodic perimeter were noted between the various study
groups. Histochemically, Sr could be localized in calcified bone, main
ly in new bone close to the osteoid/calcification front, a critical si
te of bone mineralization. Histochemical findings were confirmed by el
ectron probe X-ray microanalysis. Conclusions. These findings indicate
that Sr accumulation in chronic renal failure rats resulted in the de
velopment of osteomalacic lesions, in contrast to the Al group where a
dynamic bone disease was induced in the present set-up. Further studie
s are required to define the mechanism by which way Sr causes osteomal
acia in chronic renal failure rats.