In semiclassical theories for chaotic systems, such as Gutzwiller's pe
riodic orbit theory, the energy eigenvalues and resonances are obtaine
d as poles of a non-convergent series g(w) = Sigma(n) A(n) exp(is(n) w
). We present a general method for the analytic continuation of such a
non-convergent series by harmonic inversion of the 'time' signal, whi
ch is the Fourier transform of fi(w) We demonstrate the general applic
ability and accuracy of the method on two different systems with compl
etely different properties: the Riemann zeta function and the three-di
sk scattering system. The Riemann zeta function serves as a mathematic
al model for a bound system. We demonstrate that the method of harmoni
c inversion by filter-diagonalization yields several thousand zeros of
the zeta function to about 12 digit precision as eigenvalues of small
matrices. However, the method is not restricted to bound and ergodic
systems, and does not require the knowledge of the mean staircase func
tion, i.e, the Weyl term in dynamical systems, which is a prerequisite
in many semiclassical quantization conditions. It can therefore be ap
plied to open systems as well. We demonstrate this on the three-disk s
cattering system, as a physical example. The general applicability of
the method is emphasized by the fact that one does not have to resort
to a symbolic dynamics, which is, in rum, the basic requirement for th
e application of cycle expansion techniques.