Gf. Blanchard et al., CONTROL OF THE SHORT-TERM DYNAMICS OF INTERTIDAL MICROPHYTOBENTHOS BYTHE EXONDATION-SUBMERSION CYCLE, Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie 3, Sciences de la vie, 321(6), 1998, pp. 501-508
We test herein the hypothesis that the succession of low tides - durin
g which biomass increases - and high tides - during which biomass decr
eases - controls the dynamic behaviour of the microphytobenthic compar
tment. Results indeed show that during a complete lunar cycle (14 d) b
iomass exhibits a series of oscillations due to biomass increases duri
ng low tides and decreases during high tides. Moreover, the datasets s
how that the production level is in the range of previously recorded v
alues and they indicate that the major part of the photosynthetically
produced biomass during low tide can be exported into the water column
during high tide. This dearly suggests that microphytobenthos is the
major autochtonous source of organic matter production in the littoral
zone and that it directly supplies the associated pelagic trophic web
. ((C) Academie des sciences / Elsevier, Paris.).