Three cases of nodular mucinosis of the breast are presented. They occ
urred in one male and two female patients. The patients had no signs o
f Carney's syndrome. All lesions were located under the nipple. They w
ere poorly circumscribed and unencapsulated. They were soft and had a
gelatinous consistency and white color. No patient had any evidence of
recurrence or metastasis 6 months, 3 years and 6 years, respectively,
after the surgical excision. The mucinous tissue consisted of acid mu
copolysaccharides, which stained Alcian blue, Hale's colloidal iron po
sitively, and they were periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) negative. Mucicarmi
ne reaction was only faintly positive. The lesion should be distinguis
hed particularly from mucocele-like lesions of the breast by the locat
ion, nodular arrangement, absence of accompanying ductal hyperplasia a
nd staining properties of the mucous substances.