A case of uterine bizarre lipoleiomyoma occurring in a 58-year-old wom
an is described. A subserosal 8.5 cm mass in the posterior wall of the
body had a lipoma-like appearance with strands of fibrous tissue. His
tologically, the tumor predominantly consisted of adipocytes which var
ied in size and shape. Some cells had the appearance of signet ring ce
lls, some had hyperchromatic nuclei, and multivacuolated lipoblasts wi
th hyperchromatic nuclei were observed throughout the lesion. The fibr
ous areas showed a proliferation of smooth muscle cells with and witho
ut atypical nuclei. There was no mitotic figure. Flow cytometric analy
sis indicated aneuploidy. The patient was well without disease 10 mont
hs after hysterectomy. Patients with this type of tumor need a close a
nd long-term follow-up because of the paucity of clinical information.