We describe a method for labeling enveloped viral particles with a rad
iotracer, indium-lll, allowing labeled viruses to be traced in viveo b
y nuclear imaging. After initial optimization experiments, a labeling
efficiency of 83% (incorporation yield) was achieved for herpes simple
x virus (HSV), resulting in a specific activity of 30 mu Ci/10(9) PFU,
The labeling procedure did not significantly reduce the infectivity o
f the labeled virus and the virus did not release any significant amou
nts of the radionuclide within 12 hr after labeling. Sequential imagin
g of animals after intravenous administration of the labeled virus sho
wed fast accumulation in the liver and redistribution from the blood p
ool (immediately after injection) to liver and spleen (12-24 hr after
injection). At 12 hr after injection 7% of the virus-associated In-111
had been eliminated from the body and the remaining organ distributio
n of the virus was as follows: spleen 28.7 +/- 5.4% ID/g; liver, 26.0
+/- 5.1% ID/g; kidney, 9.8 +/- 3.1% ID/g; lung, 5.7 +/- 1.0% ID/g; and
lower amounts in other organs, Our results indicate that the describe
d method allows qualitative and quantitative assessment of viral biodi
stribution in vivo by nuclear imaging.