The met proto-oncogene was found to be amplified in a human glioblasto
ma cell line (T3095) established from a glioblastoma multiform WHO gra
de IV. Amplification of epidermal growth factor receptor, transforming
growth factor alpha and N-myc which have been described previously in
glioblastoma were not observed in T3095. There was, however, an 8-fol
d met amplification. Giemsa-stained metaphases of T3095 cells revealed
multiple (>5) double minutes (dmins) in the majority of cells. Follow
ing xenografting in nude mice there was a significant increase in the
number and frequency of dmins. The increase in dmins correlates with t
he level of met amplification (50-fold), suggesting localisation of th
e amplified met on dmins. Here we report the first case of met amplifi
cation in glioblastoma. Correlation between met amplification and extr
achromosomal elements (dmins) has not been reported previously.