Individuals often benefit from identifying their prospective social pa
rtners. Some species that live in stable social groups discriminate be
tween their group mates and others, basing this distinction on calls t
hat differ among individuals. Vocalizations that differ between social
groups are much less common, and few studies have demonstrated that a
nimals use group-distinctive calls to identify group mates. Female gre
ater spear-nosed bats, Phyllostomus hastatus, live in stable groups of
unrelated bats and give audible frequency, broadband calls termed scr
eech calls when departing from the roost and at foraging sites. Previo
us field observations suggested that bats give screech calls to coordi
nate movements among group members. Prior acoustic analyses of 12 acou
stic variables found group differences but not individual differences.
Here, we use the same acoustic variables to compare calls from three
cave colonies, and find that calls differ between caves. We also repor
t results from field and laboratory playback experiments designed to t
est whether bats use acoustic differences to discriminate calls from d
ifferent colonies, groups or individuals. Results from field playbacks
indicate that response depends on the cave of origin, indicating that
bats can discriminate among calls from different caves. This discrimi
nation ability may be based, in part, on;whether calls are familiar or
unfamiliar to the listening bats. Laboratory playbacks demonstrate th
at bats discriminate calls given by their group mates from calls given
by other bats from the same cave irrespective of familiarity. However
, these experiments provide no evidence that bats discriminate among i
ndividuals. Previous field work indicates that females that forage wit
h social group mates map benefit from shared information about food or
mutual defence of feeding sites. Indicating group membership is essen
tial? since these benefits appear to be restricted to group mates. (C)
1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.