The 20 August 1992 flare around 14:28 UT was observed in H alpha, H ep
silon and Ca II H with the imaging spectrographs at Locarno-Monti, Swi
tzerland, with the radiotelescopes in Bern, and in soft and hard X-ray
s by the Yohkoh satellite. In this paper we discuss the analysis of th
e temporal and spatial evolution of this flare, well observed at chrom
ospheric and coronal layers. We find that the chromospheric electron d
ensity shows well-correlated rises with the hard X-rays emphasizing th
e direct response of the chromosphere to the energy deposition. Althou
gh both footpoints of the loops show simultaneous rises of the electro
n density, non-thermal electron injection is only observed in one of t
he footpoints, while an additional heating mechanism, like thermal con
duction, must be assumed for the other footpoint. However, it is puzzl
ing that all the chromospheric observations in both footpoints are del
ayed by approximate to 3 s compared to the hard X-ray light curve. Alt
hough this would be compatible with the thermal heating of one footpoi
nt, it is in contradiction to the non-thermal heating of the other one
. Finally, we observed evidence that during the first part of the flar
e a thermal conduction front propagates at a speed of approximate to 2
000 km s(-1) into a second loop, in which the energy release occurs in
the second part of the flare.